Groundbreaking revolutionary art taking the lead; behind its ass, science following closely.
Welcome to the Grand Hall of Secrets and Intruders! Primarily created by Robert Y and Clitfford Kong, these works constitute an attempt to use art as a catalyst in illuminating the deepest secrets of life, the secrets of humanity, and even as a catalyst in changing humankind. We asked ourselves a question: if art can penetrate deep into the brain, into the neural network, if art can stain our DNA with its ink, what can we do to elevate its role in our evolution and culture in the future?
Salvador Dali would be so pleased to see his dreams exhumed with such passion! These works can be seen as distillations of the abstract symbolism and surrealism of mid-20th-century art, but they are also so much more. We are exploring the deepest mysteries of humanity past and present, and peeking into the distant future of human beings. Intruding on the deepest abysses of the subconscious, eavesdropping on the whispering of the neurons, we aim through our art to inspire contemplation of our constantly changing genetic code, to open up a gateway to progress and transformation. We are a Society of Intruders, students of truth, striving to leave something of priceless significance for the next generation. Come join us!
A far cry from the Buddhist statues and wares usually associated with pagodite (Shoushan stone), this work is a true primal scream! With this head, Robert Y and master engraver Qijing Qiu return to pre- civilization times to liberate the human soul from convention. It’s no wonder the works of Mr. Qiu have been fetching record-breaking prices in China’s auction market.
From the cold pagodite (Shoushan stone) emerges a profound soul peering through a distorted primitive face. As a whole, the work symbolizes the mysterious struggle through the trials and tribulations of life toward the destination of one’s hopes and dreams.
The keenest, the most fearless, the fittest sperm produced by mankind, one day will begin a torturous trek toward its ovum equivalent, emerging after surviving terrible agony, a triumphant journey out of the depths of Hell. The tidal force of the moment this Superhuman enters Heaven, powerful enough to reverse the rotation of Earth, will alter the face of humanity forever. Nietsche’s dream will have come true.
Material: crystal, ancient ship wood, composite material
Size: 190cm x 110cm x 85cm
The aging artist, struggling to find peace by transcending the worldly desires and obsessions of human nature, yet again silently bows his head and succumbs to his appetites.
A product of dreams and visions of Robert Y, this work symbolizes reproduction and evolution. As individuals sought to break free from limitations, transcend the self and, recreate humanity, each battle ended with one terminator vanquishing 180 million enemies, emerging victorious to establish a superior genetic code.
How painful the struggle to change one’s self is! Can you see the gloom in his eyes? We live in the shackles of our subconscious, which, like and invisible magic hand, so easily replicates and solidifies control over our thoughts and actions. The agony of truly tearing down and renewing one’s self is too much for most to bear, so, sadly, very rarely is a human able to transcend the self and bring about genetic mutation.
How respected I am. Such a paragon of morality. How noble!
I’m so sick and tired of it all. This show has been going on for too long! I am a hollow shell, neither blood pumping nor breath circulating, and don’t even mention thoughts or feelings!
oday I rejoice as I depart this shell, casting off the nauseating sanctimony of my past!
An astonishingly complex neural network extends to every nook and cranny of the body, connecting it all to the brain’s sensory control center. From lust, love, and sexual pleasure to the steady drip of various other day-to-day emotions, it is all brought about by the neurons, not the organs.
Wow! A natural, multicolored jade stone shaped like the nautilus! A mollusk with 500 million years of evolution dating to the Cambrian period, the beautiful colorful nautilus is considered a living fossil. Here the artist brings out the lifeforce of this evolutionary wonder, revealing a characteristic even more astounding than beauty: the male nautilus initiates procreation by shooting its reproductive organ from a distance, which the female receives and implants into her own body. The parents never touch each other. Isn’t this an amazing world?
Have you ever pondered how to best educate the next generation? If they are to bring humankind to a whole new level, to true freedom, the young children of today must be assisted by parents in escaping the numerous constraints of the present and past, must become vanguards of thought and knowledge. Can you see why the book is at the base of this work?
Consider for a moment: why is this baby suspended in the air? This work symbolizes human freedom. Just as a newborn baby must break the umbilical cord to begin the process of independence, so must we all snap our metaphorical umbilical cords binding us to the conventions of the past genetically imprinted on our subconscious, and vault away to a new life of free thought and consciousness.